Saturday, February 22, 2020

Current and Future State of Health Care Legislation Analysis Essay

Current and Future State of Health Care Legislation Analysis - Essay Example Americans should be given the autonomy of choice with regards to health care. The dignity and sovereignty of every American that wants to feel protected from a failing health care system can be maintained through this. This paper will examine the recent condition of the health care structure in the U.S., and how decision making can be influenced in the same sector. How is the current health care environment in the U.S.? Currently, the U.S. health care environment is taking a toll on health care consumers. They have to put up with increasing medical costs that do not necessarily make sense to them. The populous states have issues with the mode in which the health care structure is managed. This is because they think that the core business of most health care providers is to make a profit out of vulnerable individuals (Battistella, 2010). Everyone has to face the fact that, medical insurance companies are making a killing out of innocent people. People with not a lot of capital to thro w around and they are the vast majority. They are the insurance companies own cash cow, which intend to capitalise as much as they want. It, the health care environment, is failing and is now focused on survival. Many health care providers are trying to bring in new products and services to ensure they stay afloat in this sinking system. The introduction of these products and services means that, people are likely to pay more for things that are not necessarily out to benefit them (Battistella, 2010). New drugs with adverse side effects are brought into the market. Their approval is because someone must be paying an enormous amount of money to see their drug get through the market. This leads to another problem since corruption becomes rampant in this field while health care consumers become innocent victims. Greed is the cause of all this because nobody does it in the name of science. Another current affair in the health care environment is the upgrade in technology. Many private a nd public health care institutions have taken the time to advance in technology that helps in saving people’s lives. It may cost the organizations lots of capital, but the fruits of such investments are seen after some time. However, an upgrade in technology means that the health care consumer will have to pay more for services rendered. This puts the consumers at a particularly precarious position because they should have back-up from their government (Derickson, 2005). This is when it comes to matters concerning their health care. To protect consumers from such situations, the government regulates policies by insurance companies on health care consumers. However, not all is lost in this environment. Organizations are implementing strategies that assist in reducing the burden placed on health care consumers. By reducing back-office costs, health care providers are spending less capital in their organizations. At the same time, they offer better service levels to the consumer s. They advocate for lower labour costs which ensure they spend a little less on manpower, but ensure that consumers get the best services they offer (Derickson, 2005). One can argue that less money spent on manpower is equal to spending even lesser amounts on

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