Thursday, December 19, 2019

Analysis Of Acute Care Hospitals - 712 Words

Baylor Scott and White Mckinney is the primary hospital I selected for this assignment being compared with Texas Health Prysbeterian Hospital Allen. I chose these two acute care hospitals not only for their geographical location but moreso on the similarities of services they catered to the locals. My focus is on the structural and process of care measures under the category of Patient Experiences specifically on the survey question, â€Å"Patients who reported that they Always received help as soon as they wanted. According to reports from Hospital Compare Baylor got 67% compared to Texas Health which got 75% with a state average of 70% and national average of 69%. The data is gathered through a survey called Hospital Consumer Assessment†¦show more content†¦I find this very interesting because time is very important especially for stroke. Though there is another category for stroke care but some patients can’t express their complaints and requires more time to share it to the healthcare provider. Baylor HCP sees patients in 7 minutes while Texas Health is 22 minutes compared to 19.5 minutes for state average and 23 minutes for national average. The dimension focuses on timeliness. Per data, Baylor is doing good so far and Texas Health may need to review where they could improve on this data. This data of structural measure are reported under the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting(IQR) and Outpatient Quality Reporting OQR) programs. Patient overflowing in emergency department is a national crisis. So strategies are on the rise as being influenced by lean healthcare focusing on flow orientation, reduction in unnecessary work elements through clinical pathways, continuous quality improvement initiatives and teamwork (Oredsson, S. et al., 2011). The last measure I want to look on from Home Compare report is the outcome measure particularly the complications related to healthcare-associated infections. Outcome measures data is also a good indicator that shows how the organization is performing with regards to national benchmark. Baylor and Texas health both has no available data with regards to central line - associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) in ICU and select wards. This kind ofShow MoreRelatedHealth Services Research And Evaluation Methods1184 Words   |  5 Pages HA 8700: Health Services Research and Evaluation Methods Name: Kimberly Wu Assignment: Paper 1 Date: 10/6/14 Executive Summary Through statistical analysis, there were ten AHRQ inpatient quality indicators that are statistically different from that of the reference population. To determine which ones were significant, the reference population was compared to the risk-adjusted confidence interval. 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